
How I landed jobs at Meta, Tinder, and Amazon with 17 algorithm patterns.

Everyone talks about grinding leetcode. But here’s the truth: there’s a faster, smarter way to land six-figure tech jobs.

I’m talking about the 17 patterns that got me hired at Amazon, IBM, Meta, and Tinder.

These patterns are the sole reason I was able to make $820,000 a year.

“Roque subsequently went on to work remotely, full-time, for IBM, Meta and Tinder, bringing in more than a total of $820,000 across three jobs.”

Yahoo Finance

So what are these “algorithm patterns” and why are they so fundamental to landing jobs at the biggest companies?

Let me tell you.

How I went from a no-name job to landing Amazon.

Seven years ago, I accepted a return offer from a no-name company.

But it didn’t pay much and it didn’t excite me knowing that’s how I would start my career.

I wanted more, but I had no other choice. How did some of these people land jobs at Google, Meta, or Apple?

I did what everyone recommended.

I read Cracking the Coding Interview. I “did leetcode”.

But there seemed to be holes in my knowledge that put me at a disadvantage.

What did these successful people know that I didn’t?

I had a hunch there was a secret to passing the coding round and it was holding me back.

If I could just figure it out, I could also land these software roles I always wanted.

Slowly I tweaked my studying routine and learned what worked and what didn’t work.

Until something finally clicked and I landed my first FAANG offer at Amazon.

What was it that clicked?

Let’s get right to it.

The birth of the 17 patterns.

I emailed the no-name company telling them I wouldn’t be joining them next year. And I had accepted a role at Amazon instead.

I was making six figures straight out of school. And It felt amazing to work for a company like Amazon.

I worked with some of the smartest people I’ve ever met in my life.

Although I was happy where I was, the work became overwhelming. And I was let go at the height of the pandemic.

Luckily, I had a mental blueprint for how coding interviews worked that allowed me to quickly find another job.

This time, It was easy.

I refined my study method and eventually narrowed all coding problems to only 17 basic patterns.

By internalizing these patterns, I saw rapid improvement.

These patterns were so ingrained in me I could automatically see the solution to a coding problem as soon as I saw it.

I was automatically seeing the patterns and how to combine them on an intuitive level. Without conscious thought.

This was the critical point.

The coding round became the easiest part of the interview process and I landed offers from Meta (Facebook), IBM, and Tinder.

It was like having a cheat code to landing tech jobs.

The result? Over $820,000 a year.

What did I do with all these offers lined up?

I accepted all of them.

I worked all three jobs at the same time which netted me over $820,000 per year.

My story has been reported in Business Insider, Yahoo Finance,, and more.

“He clinched an offer from Meta, landed another from Tinder, and after negotiating the two against each other for more pay, he accepted both jobs—in addition to keeping his gig at IBM.”

Business Insider

“Now he was suddenly employed three times over — and on track to earn a combined salary of more than $820,000 a year.”

I went from 0 offers to 1 offer to multiple six-figure offers, making over $820,000 a year.

At this moment, I realized my life was going to look a lot different.

I want to share what I’ve learned to help you achieve the same.

Imagine what your life would look like if you had offers lined up. You’re in a position where companies are fighting to hire you.

Imagine being at a company you’re proud to work for. How would that feel and what would that look like for you?

This reality may seem far away, but it isn’t. You can land those FAANG offers and by the end of your first lesson with me, you will know how.


Hi, I’m Bryan Roque.

My story has been mentioned in Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, and more.

When I was studying for interviews I wasted many months of effort and experimentation. I didn’t have the guidance and the streamlined system I’m offering you now.

Enroll now to get 1-on-1 coaching with me and finally land a six-figure job at a top tech company.

Be interview-ready in 30 days.

Training includes 1-on-1 coaching. Sessions are custom-catered to you, so you can be ready in weeks not months.

Stop aimlessly grinding leetcode.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just automatically know how to solve a coding problem as soon as you see it? I will guide you on what to study and how, so you can develop your pattern recognition and gain an intuition for solving coding problems.

Don’t let tech interviews prevent you from landing a job.

Many of us are fully qualified for the job. Interviewers filter out candidates with tech screens because there are too many qualified candidates. Don’t let the coding interview get in your way. Impress your interviewer with your coding chops and finally land that 6-figure job.


These 17 patterns gave me $820,000 a year.

“Roque subsequently went on to work remotely, full-time, for IBM, Meta and Tinder, bringing in more than a total of $820,000 across three jobs.”

Yahoo Finance

“Roque then managed to acquire three jobs at IBM, Meta and Tinder, he told the Business Insider news site recently, which put him on track to earn more than US$820,000 a year.”

Channel News Asia


What you get when you join.

Here’s what’s included in your private copy of the Algorithm Patterns Course:

With my mentorship, I can get you to mastery in 30 days. Follow the steps in the course and you will ace your coding interviews, guaranteed.


This isn’t for everyone.

In order for me to grant you access to the program and for me to spend time with you, you’re going to need to follow some strict (but reasonable) criteria:

  1. You must have some coding background already.

This offer is for people who know how to code already and simply want to pass the tech interview to land a software job.

If you’re brand new and don’t have any coding background, then this is not for you.

  1. You must follow directions.

After all, if you don’t actually implement the stuff I give you, you’re not likely to pass the coding interview, and what would be the point of that?

That’s it! Those are my requirements.

What I want you to do next.

If you meet the criteria above and you want to begin your training, I’ll be happy to set aside some time for you.

First, you will schedule a free call with me.

You will need to fill out some questions on the scheduling page. Don’t worry, it’s simple and unobtrusive. I just need to get an idea of your background and what you want to accomplish.

What will happen after that.

You will get a confirmation email confirming our scheduled time for Lesson 1.

It will be 45 minutes long and you will be speaking directly with me.

We will go over your background and your goals, and I’ll give you a custom plan to get you interview-ready based on the exact same algorithm patterns that got me an over $820,000 income.

At this point, you still haven’t spent a cent. You can choose to continue with the program or decide it’s not for you and we would say our goodbyes.

Either way, you don’t lose anything. Worst case, you spend 45 minutes to get a free personalized plan on what you need to work on.

If you decide to continue lessons with me, we will discuss pricing.

My time is limited.

This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense 1-on-1 time needed in order to provide results.

And since I only have so much time, it would be physically impossible for me to take more than a handful of people at once.

Also, please realize there’s a large demand for personalized training for tech interviews, and what I’m offering you is unprecedented. So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open long.

no credit card required


These 17 patterns landed me jobs at top companies.

“… Bryan Roque, who recently settled into one job, said he simultaneously held positions at Meta, IBM, and Tinder… netting him over $820,000 per year.”


“Roque then managed to acquire three jobs at IBM, Meta and Tinder, he told the Business Insider news site recently, which put him on track to earn more than $820,000 a year.”

Financial Times


The problem with just doing leetcode.

Ok, there’s nothing inherently wrong with doing leetcode.

In fact, that’s how I started before I came up with my system.

But grinding leetcode sucks. It just does.

Have you ever met anyone who was excited to do leetcode?

“OMG I can’t wait to get back to leetcoding. It’s so fun!”


No one has ever said that.

Because, It hurts to do leetcode.

What’s the result of doing something you hate over and over again?

Nothing sticks and you hate your life.

I blindly did leetcode for months only to get burnt out and still be bad at interviews.

It wasn’t until I tweaked how I studied that things started to click.

I was able to reduce all coding problems to 17 fundamental patterns. By internalizing these patterns, I started to notice them popping out at me.

This is the one thing that completely changed my interview results from failure to consistent success. These 17 patterns.

This method wastes no effort and is extremely efficient. I only train 17 patterns instead of doing hundreds of problems.

I still had to practice, but this time it was enjoyable.

I had a system. And I saw results.

If you want pain, continue with the leetcode grind.

Otherwise, learn the 17 patterns and land some job offers.


Change your life with the Algorithm Patterns Course.

“He clinched an offer from Meta, landed another from Tinder, and after negotiating the two against each other for more pay, he accepted both jobs—in addition to keeping his gig at IBM.”

Business Insider

“Roque subsequently went on to work remotely, full-time, for IBM, Meta and Tinder, bringing in more than a total of $820,000 across three jobs.”

Yahoo Finance

“Now he was suddenly employed three times over — and on track to earn a combined salary of more than $820,000 a year.”

Ready to land your first six-figure offer?

Schedule Lesson 1 of the Algorithm Patterns Course.

no credit card required